
I’m running this blog as an experiment on modifying my favourite recipes for use in the Instant Pot.

I live alone, have a coffin sized kitchen, not that talented with taking photos, don’t care for selfies and only have my smartphone and a dying laptop to post with.

I’m intending on trying for an Instant Pot recipe a week, as space and time comes up.

At some point I’ll end up using stock photos for stuff, and I’ll try and tag it when I remember to. If and when I use stock photos, they’ll probably be from Pexels.com

Recommended Items in general:

Instant Pot, can’t say it enough. Just about everything that I’d eat, cooks in under an hour.

Laser Printer – you might think im joking, but if your primarily printing text documents, having an ink jet printer is an absolute waste of money. A laser printer can be bought for 50-60$ on sale in Canada, and most toner cartridges cost 20-30$ for brand name never mind the cheaper generic toners that you can order online. An ink jet printer will see you, maybe, 200 pages before it dries up on you. With a laser printer there’s no risk of the the ink drying out, and you get something like 2000 pages or so.

Do you use Index Cards? For school or recipes? – Organize them in photo albums.