IPot – Lemon Butter Fish & Potatoes

20180309_175808[1]You’ll need an “oven-safe” Dish* that fits your IPot, and a Steamer Rack*.


  • Fish Fillet* – any white fish will do.
  • Butter – a stick/block of butter, cut into ‘pats’ or ‘squares’.
  • Lemon Juice – 1/4 cup, ish.
  • Spices: 1/2 tsp Dill, 1/2 tsp Cilantro, salt & pepper to taste.
  • 2 cloves garlic – peeled, crushed & sliced/diced.
  • Potatoes – a handful of small/baby potatoes, or however many you think you’ll eat.
  1. Cut your fillet so that it fits in the dish. If you have to stack them on top of each other, that’s okay, but wait till you sprinkle your spices over them.
  2. Spice your fillet/s, sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste, and the dill and cilantro.
  3. Arrange the fillet/s in the dish, placing butter pieces between the pieces if you have to layer the fish to fit.
  4. Throw the garlic over the fish, and arrange the butter pieces however you want them.
  5. Pour the lemon juice around the edge of the dish and not over the fish as to not disturb the spices.
  6. Cover your dish, if it doesn’t have a lid that’ll fit, aluminum foil or seran wrap will do.
  7. In the bottom of your IPot, place your potatoes and arrange your steamer rack. Cover the potatoes at least half-way with water. Then place your Dish on the steamer rack.
  8. Set the lid & sealing value, turn on manual for 20 minutes to be sure the potatoes cook all the way thru. If you skip the potatoes, you might only need 10-15 minutes, else you’ll overcook your fish.
  9. Try not to burn yourself or spill anything when getting your Dish out so that you can get to the potatoes.

I also meant to put Celery Salt on this but completely forgot. If someone wants to try before I make this again and report back on the taste, let me know how it goes.

I could also recommend that you try adding milk or cream instead of the lemon juice, and adding lemon to taste when you put it on your plate. But I don’t normally have dairy in the apartment since it’s just me, it’s a waste of money because it spoils to fast.

*Potatoes – I recommend using yellow baby potatoes, but I used blue potatoes because I had to. The cheapest bag of potatoes for me is a ‘local’ 5lb bag of small/baby potatoes that’s a mix of blue, red & yellow that costs 3.99$, the only problem with it is that I find that blue potatoes -do not- keep, at all, as in they rot within a week. They do not sprout, they ROT as in goey/juicey Rot. So I pretty much cook the blue ones the same day I get them home out of sheer paranoia.

*Fish Fillet :I used a Hake fish fillet today, because it was cheaper than Cod or Halibut. You could use tilapia, or basa. Any white fish would work really. I also see no reason why it couldn’t work from frozen other than getting it to fit in your dish. You could use a fish like salmon, but the spices would likely need to be adjusted.

*”Oven Safe” Dish : Finding these to fit a 6qt or especially the 3qt IPot’s are -hard-, especially one that’ll fit on top a Steamer Rack. Finding one that isn’t a burn hazard of a nuisance that you can get out while it’s hot is even harder. You might have to do your potatoes separately, and skip the dish all together.

*Steamer Rack : Anything in Stainless or Silicone covered, that raises your dish off the bottom of the pot, above the water line and still allows you to put your “dish” in the pot. If you skip the potatoes, it can be a stainless steel trivet. If you have a shallow “dish”, then you could possibly even get away with using one of those stainless beer can chicken stands. I picked up mine from an asian grocery store, they had two with different heights and also had a trivet version. Why the emphasis on stainless, because anything else like copper or cast iron can react to your recipe and ruin your IPot Insert, and who knows that the hell is in the painted ones.

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